Constitution and By-Laws of the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU)
Approved January 14, 2005
Article 1. Organization
1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union; the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union; hereinafter to be referred to as the “Faculty Union”. Saint Mary’s University will be referred to as the “University”.
Article 2. Objects
2.1 The purpose of the Faculty Union is:
- to promote the welfare of the academic staff of the University and of all its members, including the professional librarians;
- to deal with issues of common interest to members of the bargaining unit;
- to act in a manner calculated to further the best interests of the University;
- to encourage co-operation between the academic staff of this University and the academic staffs of other Universities;
- to represent all employees of the University eligible for membership in this union in matters of employer-employee relations including salaries and working conditions.
Article 3. Affiliations
3.1 The Faculty Union may affiliate with other associations whose objects are to promote the interests of academic staff, including professors, professional librarians and researchers, to advance the standards of their professions, or to enhance the quality and support of higher education in Canada and access to it.
3.2 Every member of the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union shall have the right to appeal to the Canadian Association of University Teachers national office for support of his/her grievance.
Article 4. Membership
4.1 Any member of the academic staff as defined in the Saint Mary’s University Act, 1970, engaged in full-time teaching or research or as a professional librarian is eligible for membership.
4.2 Any employee eligible for membership in the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union shall be admitted to membership upon signing the application for membership.
4.3 Every employee admitted for membership shall continue his/her membership until his/her employment with the University is terminated, or upon written notice to the Executive Committee or the Union.
4.4 All members of the Saint Mary’s Faculty Union will become members of the Canadian Association of University Teachers automatically upon joining the Saint Mary’s Faculty Union.
Article 5. Fees
5.1 The annual membership fees shall be determined by the Faculty Union.
Article 6. Executive Committee
6.1 The Executive Committee of the Faculty Union shall consist of:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Three other members of the Faculty Union
- The Immediate Past President (ex-offico)
- The Chair of the Grievance Committee (ex-offico)
- The Faculty Union’s Chief Negotiator (ex-offico)
6.2 The Executive Committee of the Faculty Union shall be nominated by a nominating committee and elected by the Faculty Union every year. Elections are to be held in the month of March. The nominating committee shall be appointed in the first week of March by the Executive Committee. Three members of the Faculty Union shall comprise the Nominating Committee, who shall receive and solicit nomination from the Union membership and conduct the election.
Each term of office shall be one year and all members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election. The first Executive Committee shall be elected at the first general meeting of the Union.
6.3 The officers of the Faculty Union shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
6.4 Vacancies
- When a member of the Faculty Union Executive Committee is unable to perform his/her duty, his/her office becomes vacant if so declared by the Faculty Union.
- When the office of the President becomes vacant, the office will be filled by the Vice-President, until a special election is held. This election must be called within 30 days of the office becoming vacant.
- When the office of the Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer becomes vacant, the members of the Executive Committee shall elect a replacement to fill the office, temporarily, until a new election is called.
- When other positions on the Faculty Union Executive Committee become vacant, the Faculty Union may fill the vacancy by election from its members.
6.5 Duties of Officers:
6.5.1 The President shall:
- supervise general management of the affairs of the Faculty Union
- preside at meetings of the Faculty Union
- preside at meetings of the Faculty Union Executive Committee
- perform duties incidental to his/her office. In addition, the President shall have the power to take all necessary steps of an emergency nature for the benefit of the Faculty Union when specifically authorized by special session of the Executive Committee
- if an emergency session of the Executive Committee cannot be summoned, the President must call an emergency of the Faculty Union.
6.5.2 The Vice-President shall:
- fulfill the duties of the President during his/her temporary absence or disability or refusal of the President to act;
- fulfill the duties assigned by either the President or the Faculty Union Executive Committee.
6.5.3 The Secretary shall:
- issue notices for meetings of the Faculty Union Executive Committee and of the Faculty Union at the times and in the manner specified;
- maintain the minute books of the Faculty Union Executive Committee and of the Faculty Union;
- process the official correspondence of the Faculty Union.
6.5.4 The Treasurer shall:
- be responsible for the care and custody of the funds and assets of the Faculty Union according to the usual practice;
- at each annual general meeting of the faculty Union present an account of the Faculty Union’s finances;
- maintain books of account and make these available for inspection to the members of the Faculty Union on request.
6.6 The Executive Committee:
- shall carry into effect all resolutions of the Faculty Union and generally manage the affairs of the Faculty Union;
- is empowered to form sub-committees which are directly responsible to the Executive Committee.
Article 7. Meetings
7.1. Meetings of the Faculty Union and of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the President.
7.2. The President must call a meeting of the Faculty Union upon receipt of a written request to that effect, signed by a least three members of the Executive Committee, stating the reason for which the meeting is desired.
7.3 The President must call a meeting of the Faculty Union upon petition of 10% of the members.
7.4 There must be an annual meeting held in the month of October.
7.5 The meetings will be conducted according to the parliamentary procedure practiced in Canada.
Article 8. Quorum
8.1 Four members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum of an Executive meeting.
8.2 Twenty members of the Faculty Union shall form a quorum of a Faculty Union meeting.
Article 9. Voting
9.1 The Chair of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall not vote except in case of a tie vote, and then he/she shall cast the deciding vote.
- The Immediate Past President shall be a non-voting member of the Executive.
- The Chair of the Grievance Committee shall be a non-voting member of the Executive.
- The Faculty Union’s Chief Negotiator shall be a non-voting member of the Executive.
9.2 The Chair of a meeting of the Faculty Union shall not vote except in case of a tie vote, and then he/she shall cast the deciding vote.
9.3 Voting will be by secret ballot if so requested by the majority of members present at any Faculty Union meeting.
Article 10. Amendments
10.1 Amendments to the constitution shall require approval by two-thirds majority of the total membership implemented by circulated and returned ballots, supervised by the Executive Committee.